“Slow Dancing in the Light”

Love walks through city parks 

With the love of my life on a hot summer night

Fresh picked flowers along the way

Love radiating from every petal

Following the yellow brick road

In the morning & the evening

As the seasons change

Walking & talking

Enjoying ones presence

& truly being present

Hello yellow brick road

Or goodbye

Cue Elton John album

Why a yellow brick road?

Because we are all searching for ours

So many yellow brick roads

One leading to greatness

One leading to sadness

One leading to chaos

One leading to light

Its okay to change tracks

Trust the path you’re on

Be present with each step

If your path becomes broken or weary

Choose love & light & joy

Dance it out like these little flowers

Let the light of love into your life

Flow on over to your new track

Love others along the way

Be kind to yourself

Have grace for you & them

Walk slow & drink a lot of water

Believe in magic

Lay it out brick by brick

And pay attention to when your light shines the brightest along the way

One day you will arrive

And slowly dance so fearlessly in the darkness that the light will pour in

And you will be home dancing in your own light



Drip for F